Hello đź‘‹

I'm Anabil Debnath

Education & Qualifications

Software Engineering

SUST(B.Sc undergrad)

Completing my Bachelor of Science from SUST

  • Maintained an above average CGPA througout my undergrad, attaining 3.7
  • Developed 10+ projects as coursework
  • Working with Bengali.ai making Apsis.net ocr recognizer more efficient

Problem Solving

Data Structures and Alogorithm based

Solved more than 1000 problems in varius online judges

  • Max rating in codeforces: 1322(pupil)
  • Leveraged my problem solving experience in my NLP research thesis


Web,Andriod and ios Applications

Developed 10+ projects in popular stacks and languages

  • Used MERN stack, SQL, MySQL, FIREBASE to build projects from scratch
  • Developed games in JAVA leveraging OOP
  • For andriod and ios development used Flutter


SWE Quizer




Github: SweQuizer's repository

  • Used React .js state management libraries and hooks to build a term test web application

  • Signup/Login is implemented through Firebase’s authentication API integration

  • Implemented Firebase’s authentication system to integrate Google and also Github login using GitHub Apps

  • Structured a JSON formatted file to fetch data using Firebase’s Realtime Database and Firestore and extensive use of CSS resulted in visually captivating UI

Primary School Book Distribution System







Github: Primary School Book Distribution System's repository

  • Group coursework, primarily using Node.js , JavaScript, MySql and then later on shifted to MongoDB using NoSql queries

  • Initially used MySql to implement the database queries and structures, used Xampp for managing local server environment and testing the database

  • Used Vanilla Html,Css which created problems like redundancies, duplicacy, code debt and unmanageable for scaling; hence chose React.js for my upcoming projects

Solo Ranking


Github: Solo Ranking's github

To do list





Github: To do list's github

Ticket Flutter App


Github: Ticket Flutter App's github

Just a simple user interface for a ticket booking app using flutter

School Book Distribution System

This is a custom web app for book distribution management in government schools.

Retro Turtles


Github: Retro Turtle's github

  • Used Python to develop this space shooting game

  • Signup/Login is implemented through Firebase’s authentication API integration

  • Implemented Firebase’s authentication system to integrate Google and also Github login using GitHub Apps

  • Structured a JSON formatted file to fetch data using Firebase’s Realtime Database and Firestore and extensive use of CSS resulted in visually captivating UI


"I think my two biggest strengths would be that I am a good team player and a fast learner. I am very passionate and driven by the idea of advancing in my software engineering career and growing my experience along with my responsibilities. Throughout my undergrad, I have worked meticulously on my communication skills and management experiences alongside my programming skillsets. I believe I would be able to transition into a productive team member within a limited period of time."